Marino Furlan: Vrhunski podjetnik / An Excellent Slovenian Entrepreneur


06. Julij 2021

Marino Furlan: Vrhunski podjetnik / An Excellent Slovenian Entrepreneur

Marino Furlan: Vrhunski podjetnik / An Excellent Slovenian Entrepreneur Cilj SBC Webinarja, ki ga organizirata SBC in Slovenian Global Business Network (SBGN), je poslovno povezovanje slovenskih podjetnikov po svetu s podjetniki v Sloveniji. Želimo, da slovenska podjetniška diaspora in vrhunskimi podjetniki iz domovine skupaj krepijo slovensko gospodarsko prisotnost po svetu. Tokrat bo gost Marino Furlan, predsednik podjetja Intra Group, ki bo predstavil upravljanja uspešnega podjetja in govoril o pomenu poslovnega uspeha. SBC Webinar bo potekal v angleščini. Povezovala ga bosta Mateja Perovšek Ciuchini, izvršna direktorica povezave Slovenian Global Business Network, in Goran Novković, izvršni direktor SBC.  The goal is to connect Slovenian entrepreneurs around the world with entrepreneurs in Slovenia. Together with Slovenian Business Club, we wish the Slovenian business diaspora and top entrepreneurs from the homeland to strengthen Slovenia's economic presence worldwide. Our guest will be Marino Furlan, President of Intra Group. In the webinar, he will lead you through the laws of design management and talk about its great importance for the company's success. SBC Webinar will be held in English. Webinar will be hosted by Ms. Mateja Perovšek Ciuchini, the Executive Manager of Slovenian Global Business Network, and Mr. Goran Novković, Executive Director of the Slovenian Business Club.

Marino Furlan se je s podjetništvom začel ukvarjati takoj po diplomi iz strojništva. Ob koncu 80. let sta z ženo Marjeto, modno oblikovalko, vstopila v svet svetil in leta 1989 ustanovila lastno podjetja. Intra Lighting se je v 30. letih v svetu uveljavil kot vodilni ponudnik arhitekturnih svetil in svetlobnih rešitev. Furlan je človek z jasno vizijo, drznimi načrti in velikim delovnim zanosom. Vselej je močno vključen v razvoj produktov in svetlobnih rešitev. 

Prisega na inovativnost, ustvarjalnost in predanost. Intra Lighting intenzivno sodeluje z arhitekti, oblikovalci svetil, notranjimi oblikovalci in industrijskimi dizajnerji. Njihova svetila in podjetje so prejemniki najvišjih in najbolj prestižnih dizajnerskih nagrad. 

Marino Furlan je v prostem času dedek male Lene ter navdušen oboževalec golfa in dobrega vina. 

Marino Furlan began his business career immediately after graduating from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Towards the end of the 1980s, he and his wife Marjeta, a fashion designer, entered the world of lighting and in 1989 founded their own company. After 30 years, Intra lighting is rapidly establishing itself as a leading provider of architectural lighting and lighting solutions worldwide. Marino Furlan is a man with a clear vision, bold plans and great zeal for work. He is always intensively involved in the development of products and lighting solutions.

Marino is driven by innovativeness, creativity and determination. Intra lighting works intensively with architects, lighting designers, interior designers and industrial designers. Their luminaires and the company have received the most prestigious awards.

In his free time, Marino Furlan is mainly the grandfather of little Lena and a big fan of golf and good wine.

Marino Furlan, president of Intra Lighting Group

Birth: May 9, 1958
Lives in: Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Education: Mechanical engineer
Familiy: Slovenian parents, wife Marjeta, children Nika and Anej
Languages: Slovenian, Italian, Croatian, Serbian
Hobbies: golf, wine-tasting


Intra Lighting, d. o. o.

Activity: production of lights and design of architectural lighting solutions
Founded in 1989
Annual turnover in 2019: 38 M
Annual turnover in 2020: 29,7 M
Number of employees: 368
Present in 68 countries worldwide
Headquarters: Šempeter pri Gorici, Slovenia
Production plants: Šempeter pri Gorici (SLO), Čazma (CRO), Donji Milanovac (SR)
Offices: Serbia, Croatia, Germany, Netherlands, UAE, USA
References: Facebook, Google, Ferrari, Microsoft et al.



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